There are many ways to charge your crystal some crystals may not be suited to certain ways than others.  
Check out our list below for ways to give energy back to your beloved crystal.


1. Moonlight

Sit the crystals out in the moonlight preferably on the earth or a rock but if not a bowl of brown rice or wood. Let them sit overnight and ask that the moon cleanse them and recharge their energy back to the highest light.


Please note: Full Moons are the best time to recharge a crystal so its beneficial to put them out on a full moon to give them a cleanse as well as a powerful recharge.


2. Sunlight

Sit the crystals in sunlight preferably on the earth or a rock but if not a bowl of brown rice or wood. Let them sit in the sun and ask that the sun cleanse them and recharge their energy back to the highest light.


Please note: Some crystals are delicate and are not suited to this method always check before you cleanse a crystal to see if it is suited for the cleaning or recharging procedure you have decided for it. Some crystals can fade if they are exposed to the sunlight for too long.


3. Water 

Running water (preferably in sunlight if not visualise white light around the crystal) as you run the crystal under water ask the crystal to be cleansed.

Dry in sun or with a towel etc 


Please note: Some crystals are delicate and are not suited to this method always check before you cleanse a crystal to see if it is suited for the cleaning or recharging procedure you have decided for it.


4. Selenite

Sit your crystal on selenite or so it is touching and ask the selenite to cleanse the crystal it is touching. Let it sit for 24hrs. 



5. Smoke- smudge sticks

As you would cleanse a room light a smudge stick or incense and waft the smoke around the crystal asking for all negative energies to leave the stone and be sent back to the light with love. Ask the crystal to be cleansed and bought back to its highest light. 


Best types to use:

  • Sage
  • Sandalwood
  • Palo Santo
  • Cedar
  • Franincense
  • Juniper




6. Sound- Singing bowl

 Place the crystal inside a singing bowl, or alternatively make the sound above the crystals letting the notes settle resonate around the crystals. Hand cymbals (tingshaws), ritual rattles or bells can be used as well. 



7. Reiki

Using the appropriate reiki symbols (if you are qualified) cleanse your crystals. 



8. Cleansing spray

Using a specifically designed cleansing spray. Spray your crystal and ask for it to be cleansed, then sit it in the sun to dry.


Please note: Some crystals are delicate and are not suited to this method always check before you cleanse a crystal to see if it is suited for the cleaning or recharging procedure you have decided for it.



9. Salt or Clay

For deep cleansing, pile dry sea salt or clay around a crystal and leave for 24 hours. Discard the salt or clay afterwards. Do not reuse!



10. Crystal Clusters

Smaller crystals can be cleansed on larger crystal clusters by placing them on top and leaving overnight. 


Best Crystals clusters to use:

  • Clear quartz
  • Selenite